Year: 2021

Let a Thousand Capital Markets Bloom

Let a Thousand Capital Markets Bloom

Alarm bells ought to be ringing in Canada. Business, industrial and foreign direct investment have performed pitifully over the past decade, with no reason to believe there will be a turnaround any time soon. As noted by Steven Globerman of Western Washington...

Find Backbone and Raise the Flag

Find Backbone and Raise the Flag

Manitobans may have noticed that flags at federal institutions in the province are still flying at half mast.  This has been the case since May with the discovery of roughly 200 unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia....

Bill 64 is Dead, but Reform still Required

Bill 64 is Dead, but Reform still Required

BILL 64 is dead. There is little doubt that many Manitobans were delighted when interim Premier Kelvin Goertzen tolled its death knell. Instead of dancing around the bill’s funeral pyre, government members need to seriously review the Manness/MacKinnon commission...

Featured News



Reaction to the major anti-lockdown rally on April 25 at The Forks has been swift and furious. Photos taken without permission by reporters have resulted in the public shaming, and even firing, of people who attended. Strident calls come for action against attendees...

David Redman: Briefing Note to Premiers on Ending Lockdowns

David Redman: Briefing Note to Premiers on Ending Lockdowns

While the vaccines appear at this time to be saving many of our seniors, the current lock- down-based response to COVID-19 in the Province continues to leave some seniors at risk, while causing severe collateral damage to our citizens’ mental health, our societal...

India: A Socially Failed State

India: A Socially Failed State

The pandemic may be the most important event of our lifetimes. The pandemic will define the legitimacy of governments and leave-long lasting impressions of how societies responded on behalf of their citizens. The tragedy being played out across India is beyond...