Year: 2021

There Are No Secret Graves

There Are No Secret Graves

Canada’s flag has been flying at half-mast since the shocking discovery of the bodies of 215 indigenous children, who died under sinister circumstances at the Kamloops Residential School, and were secretly buried in the area known as the “apple orchard”. Chief...

Featured News

Work at Home: An Opportunity for Business?

Work at Home: An Opportunity for Business?

The "stay at home" orders issued in many countries have changed working habits. The mandatory "work at home" for office jobs has created a debate about work after the health crisis. Will we continue to work at home or will we return to the office? Some have stated...

Avoiding the Big Tech Convergence

Avoiding the Big Tech Convergence

Walking through a Manhattan subway station recently, I saw sign after sign advertising Google’s latest features on its “Pay” app. Huge walls of advertisements displayed photographs of happy users seeing how their monthly spending broke down, seemingly reaping the...

Vaccination Passports are a Bad Idea

Vaccination Passports are a Bad Idea

Vaccination passports are being touted as the answer to getting our travel industry and other businesses up and running again. One would simply produce their “papers” and airline tickets could be purchased, access gained to restaurants, hockey games, etc. Why would...

How Safe are Prescription Drugs?

How Safe are Prescription Drugs?

Can we trust our government and medical establishment? Not entirely. Some glimpses of Health Canada’s approach to prescription drug safety are less than assuring. Public policy should be guided towards more drug safety, not less. Health Canada was solely funded by...