Year: 2021

No Booster Shot for Me

No Booster Shot for Me

Ever since COVID-19 first hit Canada and lockdowns began, the most obvious light at the end of the tunnel were the vaccines. For a large part of the population, it was the golden ticket to getting our lives back to normal, but now the traffic in the tunnel has become...

Was there a cultural genocide in Canada as claimed in the Truth and Reconciliation Report?  Mass graves at residential schools?   An interview with Professor Rodney Clifton, co-editor of “From Truth Comes Reconciliation: Assessing the Truth and Reconciliation...

Featured News

In Defense of Alternative Lenders

In Defense of Alternative Lenders

The media often portray alternative lenders as slippery, unethical loan sharks who exploit the poor. When targeting the sector and not just a few bad apples, such stories are easy, cheap hit jobs. A New Brunswick Liberal senator, for example, recently described...

Teaching About Residential Schools

Teaching About Residential Schools

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommended that all Canadian children learn about residential schools. This is part of Canada’s history, and is now taught in every classroom.  However, there is reason to worry that a fair and balanced view is not being...

Borders, Boundaries and Walls, Part 1 of 2

Borders, Boundaries and Walls, Part 1 of 2

While boundaries have traditionally, at least within the context of geographic statehood, represented physical demarcations, they have a much broader significance. Borders are essential declarations of sovereignty, but boundaries are equally social, political, and...

Time to Get Out of Our Echo Chambers

Time to Get Out of Our Echo Chambers

Everyone likes positive affirmation. It’s nice knowing that while the rest of the world has gone crazy, your friends have your back. It feels even better when you have thousands of friends agreeing with everything you say. Frankly, that is the power of social media,...

Two Pandemics Are Scarier Than One

Two Pandemics Are Scarier Than One

This week marked the anniversary of the COVID-19 confinements that were only supposed to last for a few weeks. That was 52 weeks ago.  In many ways, fear became the pandemic. Different people drive the COVID-19 fear, but its principal generators are statisticians and...