Year: 2021

What Is A University Student?

What Is A University Student?

As a result of government and university policies in both the U.S. and Canada, university students are not seen as individuals with records of educational achievement and the potential for both success in higher education and for contributions beyond in the wider...

Featured News

“Capitol” Punishment: A Betrayal

The attack on the Capitol in Washington and its aftermath have taken a toll, but unfortunately, the incident will remain remote and extraordinary for most. It has been politicized, sensationalized and reconstructed, but its tragic impact on those on the front lines is...

When Misinformation is Misinformation

When Misinformation is Misinformation

Before 2016, “misinformation” was just another word in the dictionary. As soon as it became clear that Donald Trump’s straight-shooting presidential campaign was serious, and that he would likely become the Republican nominee, “misinformation” became a strategy....

Four Measures to Kick-Start the Canadian Economy

Four Measures to Kick-Start the Canadian Economy

Social engineers are eager for Canadians to buy into the same madness touted across the globe for post-pandemic recovery: more government spending. Now is precisely when technocrats must take a back seat and let markets take the wheel. On November 30, the minister of...

Sir John ‘Eh?

Sir John ‘Eh?

“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” - William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar" Sir John Alexander Macdonald, Canada’s first and six-times-elected prime minister, was born on either January 10 or 11, 1815. On the 206th...

Post Modern Society: The Icarus Complex

Post Modern Society: The Icarus Complex

There is a tear in society, a gap, a chasm that is growing and contributing to the wounding of the social fabric of societies almost everywhere. Those on either side of the chasm are barely able to touch one another, to understand the worldviews from the other side,...

Critical Thinking Needed now More Than Ever

Critical Thinking Needed now More Than Ever

Our society is under serious strain right now.  The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the worst in some people, particularly on social media. No longer do we give people the benefit of the doubt. Rather, we automatically assume the worst about those who disagree with...

How Smart Meters can Serve Energy Consumers

How Smart Meters can Serve Energy Consumers

There have been few practical measures presented to achieve the lofty goals laid out in the prime minister’s green agenda or the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Gender equality, increased daycare spending, and reduced fossil-fuel usage might make for...