Year: 2022

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Unacceptable Views

Unacceptable Views

“Canada will always be there to defend the right to peaceful protest” - Justin Trudeau, in a reference to protests in India ...   Asked why he supported some protests, but was determined to crush the trucker convoy, Justin Trudeau answered without hesitation: He...

Why Men and Women Are the Way They Are

Why Men and Women Are the Way They Are

Human beings are the way they are because of natural selection. Those characteristics which allow more children to survive and reproduce will push out or select against characteristics are less helpful in having children that will survive and reproduce. We can see...

How Long Will Investor Confidence Last?

How Long Will Investor Confidence Last?

The International Transactions in Securities monthly report covers transactions in stocks, bonds, and money market securities between non-residents and residents of Canada. The report covers both Canadian and foreign issues in equity and investment fund shares and...

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

When an Emergency is Not an Emergency

There were many arguments used in the past week to justify calls for the use of the Emergencies Act. In order to bolster the claim that the traffic jam in downtown Ottawa constituted a threat to national security, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair insisted...