
No Gun Fire in the Moose Wars, Yet

No Gun Fire in the Moose Wars, Yet

International conflicts are dominating the news; China is vying for power in the Pacific Ocean, and in most other parts of the world; Russia is causing trouble wherever it can, and the Middle East remains tense as it has always been. Meanwhile, another international...

The Recycling Folly

The Recycling Folly

While it’s very good to have a clean environment, many environmentalists don’t understand cost-benefit analysis. As such, they make our lives less pleasant – inferior light bulbs, substandard toilets, inadequate washing machines, crummy dishwashers, dribbling showers,...

How Not to Create Jobs

How Not to Create Jobs

Corporate welfare handouts are a policy staple of politicians of all stripes. Liberals who mistakenly think government spending is the driver of economic growth love handing out free cash to claim they are “creating jobs.” Conservatives say they are against corporate...

Featured News

Feminism and Transgenderism

Feminism and Transgenderism

Second wave feminism began in the 1960s as “The Women’s Movement,” coincident with the arrival of a new technology for the auto-control of fertility, the birth control pill,[1] invented by male scientists. But the standard feminist narrative argues that gender is...

Suppress Airbnb, Expect a Black Market

Suppress Airbnb, Expect a Black Market

Buenos Aires Uber drivers ask passengers to ride upfront to avoid vigilante attacks - an Argentine judge has ruled Uber illegal and the country’s banks have cut off Uber’s access.  The city’s taxi cartel has shut down roads and brought violence and arson upon Uber...

ToNic Masculinity

ToNic Masculinity

One of my department’s brightest students was seriously intellectual and widely read, always taking an active and constructive part in seminars. The student was approached by two others who complained that the student took up too much space and time, and should step...

Climate Jihad Setback

Climate Jihad Setback

With the SNC Lavalin affair dragging down the federal government, the resignation of a key fossil fuel appointment as leader of the World Bank, and a new head of the Presidential Committee on Climate Security of the United States, the headlong rush into punitive...

Activist Judges

Activist Judges

Leaks from the Prime Minister’s Office concerning a potential appointment of Justice Glenn Joyal, Chief Justice of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench, to the Supreme Court of Canada highlights differences between the treatment of judiciary appointments in Canada and...

Wireless Safety Spun

Wireless Safety Spun

When industry wants science to say something, how do they do it? Last Year The Nation showed us how in their special investigation, “How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe.” In 1993, a lawsuit alleged that cell phones caused a woman’s terminal brain...