
Gladue Should Go

Gladue Should Go

A recent Ontario court decision, striking down the mandatory conviction for impaired driving of a woman simply because she was Indigenous, highlights the urgent need to re-examine the wrong-headed Gladue sentencing principles, which apply exclusively to Indigenous...

Featured News

Terrorism on Easter Sunday

Terrorism on Easter Sunday

The massacre of Muslims at prayer in New Zealand On March 15, 2019 is yet another appalling example of the horrors of extreme hatred. In this case the mass murderer was a deluded white supremacist. Other recently targeted victims have been Jews at worship in...

Can you imagine stumbling upon the Mad Hatter’s tea party, watching as the discussions become increasingly absurd – and yet wanting a permanent seat at the table? Could Lewis Carroll have been having nightmares about the Paris climate treaty when he wrote Alice’s...

Radiating 5G Caution

Radiating 5G Caution

“If this bill passes, many people will suffer greatly, and needlessly, as a direct result.” “This sounds like hyperbole. It is not.” So began a letter from Dr. Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, against a bill that would roll out 5G networks across California. The professor...

Commissars in Our Universities

Commissars in Our Universities

“The term ‘politically correct’ was coined in the late 1920s by the Soviets and their ideological allies around the world to describe why the views of certain of the party faithful needed correction to the party line.1  Totalitarian movements and totalitarian...

Senator’s Thought Crime

Senator Lynn Beyak is back in the news - the Senate ethics committee is recommending the Senator be suspended without pay for the duration of the current Parliament. Why? A few letters she posted to her website.  The senator has become a symbol of intolerance and...

Is it Okay to be White?

Is it Okay to be White?

Last Hallowe’en night a costumed person was seen tacking up posters at the University of Manitoba. The posters said “It’s Okay To Be White”. This strange occurrence was uniformly denounced by the university administration and various student associations who claimed...