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Freedom of Thought, At Risk

Freedom of Thought, At Risk

Free speech and free inquiry, birthrights bestowed upon us by western civilization, are under threat. There are too many questions that can’t be asked, too many subjects that can’t be discussed. Alessandro Strumia, a University of Pisa professor, lost his position...

Senior-Citizens as Drug Mules?

Senior-Citizens as Drug Mules?

There are three main methods that con men use to trick their mark. They might try to gain his sympathy, take advantage of greed, or threaten or extort. When presented with these sorts of situations, if you are in the wrong frame of mind, your critical thinking skills...

Cost of Indigenous Affairs

Cost of Indigenous Affairs

The Indigenous Affairs department which is now Indigenous Services and Crown & Indigenous Relations which is the same department, just divided up a bit, has an annual budget of about $10 billion dollars. It's complicated to find out exactly how much money is spent...

Crypto Innovation on the Chopping Block

Crypto Innovation on the Chopping Block

After the United States and the United Kingdom, Canada has the highest number of blockchain-related projects—thanks to a relatively hands-off approach. Paranoid authorities, however, are set to suffocate innovation with poorly targeted regulations. On November 8, the...