
Economic Lessons from Milton Friedman

Economic Lessons from Milton Friedman

Were he still alive today, Milton Friedman would celebrate his 107th birthday on July 31. An intellectual giant, his ideas played a significant role in making the world a freer and more prosperous place – from driving the elimination of military conscription in the...

Featured News

Energy Inquiry Shows the Problem and the Way

If a public inquiry found that hundreds of millions of dollars was being funnelled by foreign entities to undermine Canadian industry, should we conclude there is nothing wrong? Remarkably, the public inquiry’s final report into anti-Alberta energy campaigns did the...

Why Millennials Prefer DIY Investing

One-third of Canadian millennials prefer going solo when it comes to managing and investing their money. Online financial education and tools are changing the rules of the game and threatening to affect financial advisors how emails affected mailmen. A recent poll...

Taking a Revolutionary Path to Reconciliation

Taking a Revolutionary Path to Reconciliation

An Ontario Superior Court ruling, delivered December 2018, has lit the fuse for a political, cultural and economic time-bomb that will impact Canadians across the country, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous. Ruling on a claim by the chiefs of 21 First Nations that...

Should False Accusations Be Punished?

Should False Accusations Be Punished?

You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial...



Oaxaca is one of the best preserved colonial cities in Mexico. It has a bustling center, rich with busy markets - street vendors and music wherever you go. Oaxaca state has the largest percentage of Indigenous people in Mexico. Zapotec, Mix-tec and other peoples...