
Can a Police Officer Wear a Niquab?

Can a Police Officer Wear a Niquab?

Once upon a time, not too long ago, Quebec was the most intensely Catholic jurisdiction in the whole world. The Church played a huge role in the province’s politics and social life; attendance at Mass was extremely high; and large families (which heeded the religious...

Acts of War?  Or War Crimes?

Acts of War? Or War Crimes?

Previously published in the Brandon Sun on November 7, 2018. The revision of history continues. The City of New Westminster has taken down the statue of British Columbia’s first chief justice, Matthew Begbie. According to the Vancouver Sun, the statue was “a symbol of...

Featured News

“Capitol” Punishment: A Betrayal

The attack on the Capitol in Washington and its aftermath have taken a toll, but unfortunately, the incident will remain remote and extraordinary for most. It has been politicized, sensationalized and reconstructed, but its tragic impact on those on the front lines is...

Last year, a geological survey made a promising discovery of diamonds in northern Manitoba. The province should move quickly to enhance the potential for revenue by involving industry partners, First Nations and municipalities in the region. Other areas have fumbled...

Have We Lost Our Way?

Have We Lost Our Way?

While journalists in some parts of the world risk their lives (one butchered at the Saudi embassy in Turkey), ours were earnestly studying the details of new marijuana laws. Where will we be allowed to smoke? What will the fines be for disobeying a bewildering new...

Profile Series: Luke Briscoe

Profile Series: Luke Briscoe

Luke Briscoe, 39, is an Indigenous Australian business leader on a mission to expand Indigenous involvement in the national economy, especially through STEM (STEM is an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering and math). Over the last few decades,...