
Feminism and Transgenderism

Feminism and Transgenderism

Second wave feminism began in the 1960s as “The Women’s Movement,” coincident with the arrival of a new technology for the auto-control of fertility, the birth control pill,[1] invented by male scientists. But the standard feminist narrative argues that gender is...

Suppress Airbnb, Expect a Black Market

Suppress Airbnb, Expect a Black Market

Buenos Aires Uber drivers ask passengers to ride upfront to avoid vigilante attacks - an Argentine judge has ruled Uber illegal and the country’s banks have cut off Uber’s access.  The city’s taxi cartel has shut down roads and brought violence and arson upon Uber...

Featured News

Climate Change: Can’t We Just Talk Politely?

Climate Change: Can’t We Just Talk Politely?

“Blatherskite.” “Trained seal.” “Dim-witted saboteur”. “A piece of sh*t”. These are all terms which have been deemed to be “unparliamentary language” in Canada; use of them, and 102 other specified pieces of verbal abuse, may result in penalties levied by the Speaker...

No Pig Deal

No Pig Deal

Taxpayer handouts to private corporations are always thorny. They inevitably mean that another business' tax dollars go straight to the pockets of their competition. This distortion also means that dollars better spent elsewhere by taxpayers, or even by governments,...

Islam and Freedom of Religion

Islam and Freedom of Religion

Islam is difficult for Westerners to understand because we view it through our own cultural categories. Our categories have been formed by the post-Enlightenment and post-industrial revolution in the West. Modern Western society has been organized on the basis of...