
ToNic Masculinity

ToNic Masculinity

One of my department’s brightest students was seriously intellectual and widely read, always taking an active and constructive part in seminars. The student was approached by two others who complained that the student took up too much space and time, and should step...

Climate Jihad Setback

Climate Jihad Setback

With the SNC Lavalin affair dragging down the federal government, the resignation of a key fossil fuel appointment as leader of the World Bank, and a new head of the Presidential Committee on Climate Security of the United States, the headlong rush into punitive...

Activist Judges

Activist Judges

Leaks from the Prime Minister’s Office concerning a potential appointment of Justice Glenn Joyal, Chief Justice of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench, to the Supreme Court of Canada highlights differences between the treatment of judiciary appointments in Canada and...

Wireless Safety Spun

Wireless Safety Spun

When industry wants science to say something, how do they do it? Last Year The Nation showed us how in their special investigation, “How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe.” In 1993, a lawsuit alleged that cell phones caused a woman’s terminal brain...

Featured News

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

Underneath all the media brouhaha and institutional focus on bitcoin, a struggle is brewing in the crypto world: which altcoin will pick up the baton? A fierce competition is underway for the podium, with Ethereum having a clear first-mover advantage. Bitcoin, as...

Offensive Hallowe’en Costumes

Offensive Hallowe’en Costumes

Hallowe’en is fast approaching, and it is time for parents to ask themselves an important question: “How offensive do I want my child’s costume to be?”  As tots prepare to take to the streets to beg for obesity-producing and tooth-decaying treats, they should also be...

Now It’s a War On Pipelines

Now It’s a War On Pipelines

Efforts to block and sabotage pipelines hurt jobs, economic growth, middle class, human safety   The environmentalist war on fossil fuels has opened a new front: a war on pipelines. For years, activists claimed the world was rapidly depleting its oil and natural gas...

The “60’s Scoop” Continues

The “60’s Scoop” Continues

The federal government has reached an agreement in principle to settle outstanding class-action lawsuits relating to what has come to be called the “60’s Scoop”. Eight hundred million dollars will be set aside to settle claims of First Nations and Inuit children who...

Hugh and Harvey and Sex

Hugh and Harvey and Sex

Hugh Hefner has finally died and I have competing Latin maxims battling in my head. On the one hand, De mortuis nil nisi bonum – “of the dead say nothing but good” – is a wise and charitable saying. On the other hand, so is De mortuis nil nisi verum– “of the dead...

Student Success Is a Question of Attitude

Student Success Is a Question of Attitude

In Western Canada, many university students fail to graduate. In fact, figures suggest that between 20 and 30 per cent of students at many North American universities do not progress beyond their first year, and less than 60 per cent of those enrolled in three- and...