


Irving Berlin’s Christmas song “White Christmas” is a classic - Bing Crosby’s version remains the best-selling single of all time. And yet, if the logic of a special interest group in Winnipeg is to prevail, the name of the song would have to be changed to something...

Featured News

The Rosy Past

The Rosy Past

Most of us tend to be nostalgic about our ancestral past. Researching one’s family tree has become a popular and passionate pastime. We imagine that when our forefathers lived, things were simpler, and in some ways, better than the complicated lives we live now. But...

Content Knowledge is the Key to Learning

Content Knowledge is the Key to Learning

Today the Frontier Centre for Public Policy released a new report by Michael Zwaagstra, a well-known teacher, author, and Frontier Centre Senior Fellow. Content Knowledge is the Key to Learning critiques the fad of 21st Century Learning and makes the case for...