
Profile Series: Lee Timutimu

Profile Series: Lee Timutimu

Lee Timutimu, 43, is leading the ideal life of an Indigenous entrepreneur by combining his love for Māori storytelling with his experience in information technology (IT) into a successful business. Timutimu is the founder and CEO of Arataki Cultural Trails, an IT firm...

Kinsey’s Pseudo-Science

Kinsey’s Pseudo-Science

TV personality Phil Donahue once said, “Kinsey was to sexuality what Freud was to psychiatry, what Madame Curie was to radiation, what Einstein was to physics.”[1] Alfred Kinsey was the primary person to turn western society from one that adhered to Christian sexual...

A Price on Pickup

A Price on Pickup

The City of Winnipeg did not choose the lowest bid cost for garbage pickup in 2017.   The extra cost to Winnipeg taxpayers will be $16 million or approximately an extra 3 to 4 % on the average homeowner property tax bills.   Explained in this new short video from...

Featured News

No Evidence of Climate Crisis

In his annual State of the Climate report published on April 14, 2022, Dr. Ole Humlum, Emeritus Professor at the University of Oslo, examined detailed patterns in temperature changes in the atmosphere and oceans together with trends in climate impacts. Many of these...

Homeless Child Welfare Wards

Homeless Child Welfare Wards

More than half of Winnipeg’s Indigenous homeless population are former wards of Child and Family Services. A former CFS ward explained on CBC that the fifty percent figure was too low, not taking into account the significant number of former wards who “couch surf”....

War on Ideas

War on Ideas

The War on Ideas. Raising the bar on better public policy.  Ideas have consequences in particular bad ideas. The Overton Window has shifted. Support a broader discussion of ideas that improve public knowledge, support Frontier Centre for Public...

Let’s Make Equalization Accountable

Let’s Make Equalization Accountable

Equalization diminishes productivity, hinders sustainable economic development, and lacks accountability and transparency. The federal government transfers billions of dollars in Equalization to provinces each year without evaluating whether the transfers achieve the...

Equalization Hurts Every Canadian

Equalization Hurts Every Canadian

The controversies that have erupted over equalization in recent days must seem tiresome to many Canadians. Our national debates on equalization have been marked by conflict, obscure technical jargon, little research on the impact of the program, excessive vitriol and...