Ben Eisen

Balancing Act: Gradually Reducing The Size and Cost of Manitoba’s Public Sector

Ben Eisen and Jonathan Wensveen examine the cost of Manitoba’s relatively large public sector. By taking into account projected population growth, they argue that Manitoba can significantly reduce the size of its public sector in the medium-term without resorting to drastic cuts, by either freezing or making small, gradual reductions to government employment over the next decade.

Featured News

The Man who Saved the Plains Indians

At the time of Confederation, Canada’s Plains Indians were in a desperate situation. The same European-introduced guns and horses that resulted in a briefly glorious golden age for them had also resulted in constant inter-tribal warfare and the rapid disappearance of...

Taxing Height?

Let’s not. However, this is an awfully entertaining tongue-in-cheek critique of utilitarian approaches to optimal taxation levels and income distribution.

Terrific NYT Piece on The “Green Economy”

It hints at why subsidies for “green industries” are so attractive to politicians and to the public and why the potential for these industries to create scads of good jobs for unskilled workers in countries like Canada and the United States is probably limited in the long-term.

The CCPA Fells A Straw man

The debate over what, if anything, we should do about growing income inequality in Canada is hugely important and we need to hear from all sides. But it’ll work better if we respond to what those with whom we have disagreements actually say instead of knocking over straw men.

Depressing Graphic for the Day

Policymakers need to keep asking themselves not only whether a priority is worth pursuing (poverty reduction is), but whether the strategies currently being employed are actually working.

Cornucopians vs. Malthusians

David and I recently used this blog to discuss his excellent piece on the topic of ongoing environmental and economic progress.  The debate between "Cornucopian" optimists and "Malthusian" pessimists has been going on for a very long time. This...