James C. McCrae

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Rideau Hall and Stardom

Rideau Hall and Stardom

Since 1541, Canada’s vice-regal representatives have been lieutenant generals, viceroys, governors and governors general. Vincent Massey, who served from 1952-59, was the first Canadian-born governor general. All his successors have been Canadians, most of them well...

Sir John ‘Eh?

Sir John ‘Eh?

“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” - William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar" Sir John Alexander Macdonald, Canada’s first and six-times-elected prime minister, was born on either January 10 or 11, 1815. On the 206th...

One Nation, One People

One Nation, One People

One of the main reasons for the lack of progress on the federal Indigenous file is the lack of united support among First Nations for real change. Sadly, our non-Indigenous political leaders do not talk about this, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau being one...

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth

While activists and protesters celebrate the destruction of Sir John A. Macdonald’s statue in Montreal, they probably don’t want to be reminded that in neighbouring Ontario there stands another statue, one that has thus far escaped the wrath of Black and Indigenous...