Lee Harding

Propaganda Rules the World

Propaganda Rules the World

One of the greatest books that explain how the world works is Propaganda by Edward Bernays. The man dubbed “the father of public relations” applied the psychological ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud upon the masses, triggering their basic motivations to the benefit of...

Featured News

Healthy Nations Need Healthy Boundaries

Healthy Nations Need Healthy Boundaries

Are you a big-hearted person who likes to help everyone? If so, you probably suffered a phase where you offered too much of yourself—heart, time, and money. Then you realized if you gave out too much, you would just plain give out. Despite your best efforts, there...

Skip The Losses

Skip The Losses

SkipTheDishes driver Charleen Pokorik wants a different job. More precisely, she wants to do the same job but for the company to cover everything. Its founders left jobs like that to form the company, but she won’t do the same to be paid in the manner she wants. The...

The Corporate Welfare Rip Off

The Corporate Welfare Rip Off

What do the federal government, responsibility, and transparency have in common? When it comes to handing money to corporations, not much. Working class Canadians watch helplessly as their hard-earned money is taxed away to be put into the laps of large businesses-...

Government Should Stay off the Bus

Government Should Stay off the Bus

Western Canadian bus riders got an early Halloween scare. As from October 31, 2018, Greyhound passengers won’t travel west of Ontario. For the company, it means 415 fewer employees and two million fewer passenger rides each year. For bus riders in remote areas, a...

Canada Wins If The Globe Warms

Canada Wins If The Globe Warms

“Why can’t Al Gore be right?” asked my friend as we suffered another bitter Canadian winter. Intolerable Januaries aside, global warming alarmists suggest we should be happy if global warming does not occur. But that may not be the case, especially so for Canadians. A...