Les Routledge

Public Good Research

In this new global world, is there not a need to fund Ag Canada and the National Research Council to perform this type of foundation building research that can launch new innovations into our economy?

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Refugee Policy Reform

This editorial from Calgary is worth a read.  With the changes, the government appears to be killing a fly with a sledgehammer. It should consider cutting back benefits only to those from designated countries of origin — who might only be temporarily affected with...

Car Sharing is a Good Idea

A group in Saskatoon is evaluating the feasibility of establishing a car sharing service in the city.  To me, this is a good idea that can reduce the cost of transportation for a lot of people. Another desirable step would be for SGI to create a "pay-as-you-drive"...

Road Safety

There are times where traffic cameras have merit. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-sf-bikes-20120616,0,4422915.story The bicyclist was zipping south on Castro Street at the end of his twice-weekly ride to the Marin Headlands, blowing through red lights and stop...

Lights Going out in Germany

What happens when a country phases out coal generated electricity and then moves to shut down nuclear electricity generation? The answer is increased costs to consumers and lower income people being unable to afford to purchase electricity. I wonder if Russia will...

CP Back to Work – Too Soon?

It looks like the federal government will move to order CP workers back to work and impose a settlement solution. As a farmer and a shipper, I wonder if this is the optimal course of action.  Maybe it would be better to let the new management of CP take control and...