Les Routledge

Zero Growth Article

Mother Jones has published an article exploring the zero growth concept.  I would not be surprised to see this type of thinking reflected in the upcoming Durban conference on climate change.  

Featured News

The Pawlowski Decision

In the Alberta Health Services v. Artur Pawlowski and Dawid Pawlowski decision last September, a Court of Queen’s Bench justice found the two brothers in contempt of court. The Pawlowski brothers openly challenged health ordinances and court orders and did not deny...

Global Warming – Prevention or Adaptation

The Grist blog has dressed this article up as a global warming topic

“Writing this book has taught me more than I’d like to know about our climate dilemma: about how drastically our civilization must change course to avoid catastrophe, how stubbornly some people and institutions resist even minor shifts in direction, and how destabilizing the impacts that are already locked in are likely to be.”

The story about the adaptation activities in Seattle do not really have anything to do with global warming at all.  Instead, they are examples of municipal leaders looking forward to anticipate the impacts of variations of weather patterns and investing in a plan to deal with the challenges that have presented themselves in the past and will be presented again in the future.

Bandwidth Caps and Market Signals

Canada’s major Internet service providers have employed bandwidth caps, data usage fees, and throughput limits to discourage heavy use of their services.  Recently, Netflix expressed concerns about the viability of their movie-on-demand service in Canada if the current caps and usage charges remain in effect (Netflix Doubts Future)

Bandwidth caps and excess usage fees have been employed by major ISP since about 2006.  The rationale for the caps and the usage fees is that they help providers manage the level of traffic on their networks and provides them with a means to limit network congestion (see Internet Usage Caps)

“There’s exploding bandwidth consumption,” Mr. Bibic says. “You need to keep up with that. We do it by traffic management when we have to, during peak periods. And we invest hundreds of millions of dollars in our network. And the third one is pricing. Pricing is the CRTC’s preferred method for us to tackle this issue.”

Netflix Doubts Future in Canada

“The ISPs’ costs to deliver a marginal gigabyte, which is about an hour of viewing, from one of our regional interchange points over their last mile wired network to the consumer is less than a penny, and falling,” he said. “So there is no reason that pay-per-gigabyte...

Broadcasting Regulation

Regulators have ordered Quebecor Media Inc. to abolish a pact between its broadcast network, Groupe TVA Inc., and cable division Vidéotron Ltee. that gives the latter exclusive access to on-demand programming. Read...

Solution Found for Global Warming?

Genghis Khan and his empire, which lasted nearly two centuries, actually cooled the Earth. http://news.mongabay.com/2011/0120-hance_mongols.html All the UN's International Panel on Climate Change has to do is come up with a plan to depopulate the world to offset...

Global Warming – Taking Our Eyes off the Ball

…when money is allocated and attention prioritised to making contingency plans for vague hypothetical scenarios in the distant future, real priorities are neglected and real risks overlooked.

The Victoria Herald-Sun has run an article that asks if the global warming fixation of the Green Party of Australia and the green movement in general is responsible for increasing the damage done by heavy rains and flooding in Queensland http://www.heraldsun.com.au/ipad/greens-be-dammed-we-need-protection/story-fn6bn88w-1225992915021

Adaptation and Resilience

Over in the progressive blog world, there is a commentary that I can agree with http://www.grist.org/article/2011-01-18-should-we-talk-more-about-preparing-for-climate-change

You don’t need to know exactly which impacts are attributable to climate change to start talking about ruggedizing, though. You just need a general sense of what your region will face in coming decades. Many of those challenges exist whether or not climate change does; climate change merely accelerates or exacerbates them.