Les Routledge

Oil Sand News

Imperial Oil has reduced production costs and reduced carbon emissions to being on par with conventional oil. What are the environmentalists going to complain about now?  

Markets Delivery Declining CO2 levels

It is amazing how the private sector economy works. A bit of private sector innovation has solved the problem that avoids massive taxation and government regulation.   Meanwhile, several European countries are continuing to block the development of Shale Gas while...

Refugee Policy Reform

This editorial from Calgary is worth a read.  With the changes, the government appears to be killing a fly with a sledgehammer. It should consider cutting back benefits only to those from designated countries of origin — who might only be temporarily affected with...

Featured News

Traditional Teaching is not Obsolete

Artificial intelligence has come a long way. Unlike the rudimentary software of the past, modern-day programs such as ChatGPT are truly impressive. Whether you need a 1,000-word essay summarizing the history of Manitoba, a 500-word article extolling the virtues of...

Do Not Count Ontario Out

This editorial from Saskatoon got me thinking about my experience in Ontario. Far from being the basket economic case that is conveyed in the national media, my experience living and working in SW Ontario was one characterized by very innovative firms that figure out...

Currency Changes – Not Far Enough

Interesting commentary on the move to drop the penny from circulation. I tend to agree that the 5 cent coin should have been eliminated in this move.  The new 1 cent coin should be the dime.  Where I differ with the opinion is that I believe the quarter should be...

Manure Management News

Harry Siemens reports on manure management research in Manitoba. “I would say the biggest thing is the phosphorus removal,” says Grieger. “We’ve seen removal rates up to 50 to 60 percent phosphorus with different technologies under different conditions and even higher...

Animal Icons

This is a great illustration of a new animal icon for the federal NDP. I wonder what the comparable one would be for the Alberta PC party or the BC Liberal Party? In all seriousness, I do wish the new leader of the NDP well and hope that he can coral the socialists...

An Electoral Shift in Australia?

After introducing a carbon tax and a mining tax at the federal level, is it any wonder that in Queensland which is a resource driven state drove the Labour Party out of office? There comes a point where social democratic parties push too far and then the population...

Patent Wars

Slowly but surely there is a push back against excessive patent protection around the world.  This case in India is one more example    

Human Rights Commission Ruling

Every so often, I guess they can provide a good ruling.  This case of asking for FaceBook passwords is one method to look into the religious, ethnic and sexual background of potential employees. Any employer who asked me for my password on social media would be...