Marco Navarro-Genie

Think Tanks Matter

Think Tanks Matter

On January 30th Frontier Centre for Public Policy joined together with more than 145 think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, and civil society organizations around the world to hosted “Why Think Tanks Matter: The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice.” Events took place in 85...

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Harvard professor’s race card, a step backward.

Elizabeth Warren’s public claim that she is 1/32 Cherokee is highly offensive to liberal democratic values. Race, language, culture are not moral attributes for which people should receive honours of any kind. They are accidental features of life for which we are not responsible; they are not active personal achievements.

How friendly will Pauline Marois be toward Alberta?

A new Parti Quebecois government in Quebec has got people asking questions as to what comes next. Naturally, perhaps, the prevailing questions have been about sovereignty.

But the sovereignty issue will not likely dominate the reign of Quebec’s first female premier. First, because Pauline Marois has no majority to make it happen and no ability to push it by coalescing with Quebec Solidaire (the other separatist party, which won 2 seats).  Second, the Coalition Avenir Quebec, CAQ (the new arrival that won 19 seats and nipped with their vote share at the statistical heels of the two large parties), ran explicitly on deferring constitutional questions in Quebec for a decade. Third, PM Stephen Harper is not likely going to allow Marois to draw him into constitutional squabbles and derail his government agenda. That means the PQ will find few partners to kick sand at in the constitutional sandbox.

As an Albertan, the question as to what the Quebec-Alberta relation will look like is more pressing in my mind.

Thomas Mulcair at odds with reality

Federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, like Dalton McGuinty, is fond of blaming Alberta's oil industry for supposedly hurting manufacturing in Central Canada. These numbers StatsCan released today show the opposite: Manufacturing sales increased 1.9% in March to...