Owen McShane

Followers or Leaders

Our leaders have long been enthusiastic promoters of New Zealand as a leader in world opinion. But they normally refer to political opinion. We may well be trend-setters in giving the vote to women, cradle to grave welfare, and even in rejecting nuclear weapons, but...

Featured News

The Permitted Baseline Test

Several of you have responded asking why the Permitted Baseline Test is so important,� or have asked for more information as to what it is and how it works. It seems to me that the permitted baseline test provides a useful "litmus" test as to whether a planning...

Climate Change, and the Policy Dilemma

New Zealand has a long history of taking leading edge positions on public policy issues, and has a proud tradition of leading political and social change. More recently, especially during the term of the fourth Labour Government, New Zealand was a world leader in...

Public Transport in Auckland

Auckland has a long tradition of making wrong decisions about public transport and several recent announcements indicate we are maintaining this tradition. Auckland is not entering new or unknown territory. A multitude of cities overseas have explored diverse...