Owen McShane

The Good News

Smart Growth has always been a policy in search of justification. It started out as a means of pricing blacks and Hispanics out of white enclaves in the US. It worked then, and still does, but proved “inappropriate”. Then Smart Growthwould “save” productive rural land...

Does Auckland have a Death Wish?

The Grinding Costs of Kyoto A group of us working on a paper will attempt to assess the present costs of our Kyoto commitments and from that work out what New Zealanders are being asked to accept as the “cost of carbon”. Most people talk of carbon costs of $5 – $40...

Featured News

The New Zealand Resource Management Act

For many centuries, the Anglo-American tradition has emphasized the fiduciary duty of all those who manage other people’s assets and affairs, such as trustees and directors. This fiduciary duty imposes a higher duty of care on such people, than on the ordinary person....