Rebecca Walberg

The High Cost of Not Investing in Health Care

The decision to use computerized order entries will be made at the hospital or regional authority level, but provincial governments can provide incentives, for instance by pairing a subsidy for making the transition to computerized ordering with a reduction in healthcare transfers for regions that fail to take action.

Good Intentions, Green Policies, and the Poor

Escalating fuel costs harm the poor disproportionately, acting as a de facto regressive tax. Thus, American families at the median income level pay 5% of each household dollar for energy costs, and families with lower incomes spend 20% of household funds on energy, while households under the poverty line see fully half of their budget spent on gas, heating, and other fuel costs.

Featured News

Escaping the Poverty Trap

Most people, given the choice, would like to live in a neighbourhood that boasts a sense of community. The poor are no different. A stake in one’s own community and a sense of belonging are crucial to generating social capital and good relations between neighbours.

The Castonguay Report Shows the Way Forward for Healthcare in Quebec

This report defines some concrete steps the Quebec government can take to rise to the challenge. All Canadians interested in the future of our healthcare system should watch carefully to see what components are implemented, and how they fare. The Castonguay report liberates the debate from the orthodoxy of the Canada Health Act and suggests evidence-based changes that have been proven elsewhere. If health ministers elsewhere pay attention, Claude Castonguay may be remembered not only as a father of but also as one of its rescuers.