Rodney Clifton

The Marxists are Winning the Education War

The Marxists are Winning the Education War

For the last 60 years or so, a raging storm of controversy has hung over public education in Canada. It has also pitted some educators, often called “traditionalists,” against others, often called “progressives,” and it has been affecting the way children are educated...

An Uprising in Canada

An Uprising in Canada

Ten years ago, Douglas Bland, a retired lieutenant-colonel from the Canadian Forces and the Chair of Defense Studies at Queen’s University, wrote Uprising: A Novel. In this 500-page work of “fiction,” Bland outlines how militant Indigenous warriors and their allies...

Featured News

Students’ Protests and University Salaries: Students should join with taxpayers to protest the high salaries given to professors and administrators

On February 1, university students held noisy demonstrations because they are paying too much in fees and receiving too little in education; however, if they examined the budgets of universities they would see that a large part of the expenditures is to pay high-priced professors and even higher-priced administrators.