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Michael Zwaagstra is an educator, an author and a regular contributor to the work of the Frontier Institute. He's coming to researchED Ontario to talk about his belief that the importance of content knowledge cannot be underestimated when it comes to learning at all...

Deplorably, the federal government recently announced it was renewing the current equalization system in Canada. I say “deplorably” because the evidence is mounting that equalization is a millstone around the neck of the less-developed provinces seeking to escape...

The foundational principle of social justice is that people in each and every societal category and class should be treated equally, and have equal benefit and respect in every social context. This means that every group and every unit of society, including sports...

All Canadians agree that schools should be places of learning. There is also near-universal agreement that school is for everyone, not just for the privileged elite. This is one of the reasons why schooling is mandatory to age 16 or 18 in every Canadian province and...