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To Infinity and Beyond

Space exploration is fraught with a wide variety of hazards; solar storms could irradiate astronauts, collisions with small, unseen objects could cause instant death, and the acts of both leaving Earth and coming back are high risk maneuvers that involve high speeds...

Global Minimum Tax Is Cartel Scam with Loopholes

Rhetoric is one thing; reality is another. As is becoming increasingly clear, the OECD’s July 1 proposal for a 15 per cent global minimum for corporate taxation is nothing of the sort. Although the awaited initiative slated for 2023 will not and cannot achieve a level...

City Stacks up Poorly on Tax Front

City residents pay higher taxes than most Ontarians, but City Hall spends less on recreation, culture and services than their municipal partners. The Frontier Centre for Public Policy released its annual report card for Canadian cities, ranking the relative financial...

City Taxes Top Norm: Study

Barrie homeowners, businesses and industries were collectively taxed 41 per cent more than the Ontario average last year, says a recent think-tank study. And the reason is this city spends 76 per cent more on basic municipal services -- such as water, sewer and roads...

Expert Touts Private Care

Countries such as Australia, New Zealand and France have private health-care businesses that run alongside the public health-care sector, which is what Chaoulli has been lobbying the provincial and federal governments to consider since 1992

Voice For The Poor Supports Oilsands

Artificially high energy prices, the work of politicians manipulated by radical environmentalists demonizing energies they don’t like, are therefore “immoral,” and a “de facto regressive tax on the poor. . . . They destroy jobs, erode civil rights gains and force minority and elderly households to choose between food, fuel and medicine.”