Media Appearances

Remedial Education: ‘Edu-babble’ and ‘child-centred learning’ are what ail schools, teacher says

The most significant hurdle facing students, Mr. Zwaagstra argues, is a pervasive anti-knowledge bias that resists the teaching of specific, common content. The “child-centred learning” philosophy expects teachers to tailor instruction to the individual needs of each student while making the experience “fun,” instead of teaching facts–the building blocks he believes should be in place before higher-level concepts can be taught.

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Polar Bear Hunt a Way of Life

RESOLUTE, Nunavut -- In 26 years of chasing polar bears, Nathaniel Kalluk has never had another hunt like it. "It was springtime, many years ago," he begins, running a hand through hair coal black contrasted by one eyebrow white as the predator he stalks. "We were...