Media Appearances

How Schools Fail Kids by Not Failing Them

On December 4, 2010 Michael Zwaagstra delivered his key points as to why public schools are failing to properly prepare today’s students for the real world to the attendees of the Society for Quality Education‘s (SQE) annual general meeting in downtown Toronto, mostly because, he argues, that schools refuse to fail students.

Reserves Are Part Of The Problem

“When it comes to aboriginal affairs, it’s too bad that many of the ideas meant to improve the lives of ordinary natives never see the light of day. The best suggestion I’ve seen all year is the proposal by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy that non-viable reserves be relocated closer to urban centres — and jobs.”

Featured News

$4B Boom Just Tip of Iceberg

Manitoba is in the middle of a $4-billion construction boom and that is likely only the tip of the iceberg. Another $6 billion has been committed to upgrading roads and bridges in the city and across the province over the next 10 years and Manitoba Hydro has said it...

Pulling Off a Band-Aid

Lost in the rhetorical battle between free-marketing and the Canadian Wheat Board's single-desk marketing is the unusual fact that wheat prices are creeping up to near-record levels. Thanks to the misfortunes of farmers in the Ukraine, the U.S. and drought-devastated...

Expert Touts ER Wait Times Online

Johan Hjertqvist hopes that one day soon Canadians will be able to consult with their physicians by e-mail or use the Internet to check on emergency room wait times. It sounds like a pipe dream, but it’s already being done in some European countries. “In Sweden, if...

Speaker Attacks Sacred Cows

Vaclav Smil has spent a 35-year career establishing a reputation as a world-renowned energy expert from his office at the University of Manitoba but he could easily ditch the halls of academia and go on tour as The Energy Comic. Smil had the normally sombre crowd who...