
On August 3, the government of Canada issued a statement of concern about the way that Saudi Arabia was treating a number of its citizens who had been agitating for further human rights inside the most Islamically conservative jurisdiction on the planet. The Saudis...

Two recent cases show a troubling trend on the part of the police in reacting to Canadians defending their property and families. When an armed gang roared on to the farm of Gerald Stanley, attempted to steal vehicles, and assaulted his wife, Stanley responded by...

Featured News

A recent study claims that 90 per cent of classes in Alberta are way over the provincial standard of 17 students per class. But how much do class sizes affect a child’s learning process? Michael Zwaagstra, a senior fellow with the Frontier Centre joins Rob...

The Government Is the Limit, Not the Sky

The Government Is the Limit, Not the Sky

If a tree falls in the forest, can a tree-hugger cheer? Yes, believe it or not. Felled trees can now replace concrete and steel in high-rise buildings, saving their weight in carbon dioxide emissions. Engineers and environmentalists are both rightfully excited by the...