Worth A Look

A Dose Of Skepticism Is Healthy: I’m perfectly willing to trust the climate experts. But isn’t doubt an integral part of serious research?

In any case, aren’t doubt and skepticism an integral part of serious research? Science evolves by trial and error, and there’s always a new discovery that challenges accepted theories. Whether or not the gloom-and-doom scenarios are probable, it would certainly be good for humanity and for Mother Earth to find alternative ways to provide cleaner energy. But the findings of the UN panel would be more convincing if they had rested on an open scientific debate.

Copenhagen Will Fail – And Quite Right Too: Even if the science was reliable (which it isn’t), we should not force the world’s poorest countries to cut carbon emissions

Mr Brown’s Copenhagen objective will, happily, not be achieved. But the meeting will still be declared a great success. Politicians do not like being associated with failure, so they will make sure that whatever emerges from Copenhagen is declared a success, and promise to meet again next year. This will at least give our political leaders the time to get themselves off the hook.

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