Worth A Look

Pink Mausoleum Blues – What Hurts Ontario Hurts Canada

Starting imperceptibly several decades ago, however, Ontario’s economy began to lose steam. Now it’s come to a stop. The consequences for province and country are immense. All of which means that, after years of focused attention on Ottawa and Quebec City, the government that really counts today sits in the Pink Mausoleum at Queen’s Park.

Featured News

Air Canada Needs Travellers, Not Bailouts

A year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, the only thing keeping Air Canada alive is the federal-government bailouts. They are delaying the inevitable and sensible way out: cutting travel restrictions, encouraging tourism by ensuring effective containment and...

Who is James Hoggan?

For a first-rate demonstration of dishonest manipulation masquerading as investigative journalism, it’s hard to beat The Denial Machine. Without spending one second looking at the science, the CBC crew smeared and discredited the skeptical scientists with corporate associations. Exxon did it. James Hoggan, however, is the real villain.

Gas Tax to go for Highways

The NDP government introduced legislation Thursday that will mandate all money collected from on-road fuel tax be dedicated to the province’s highways. The move was promised in this year’s throne speech. The gas tax is 15 cents per litre and the government collects...