Culture Wars

A Just Transition for the CBC

A Just Transition for the CBC

The influence of traditional print and broadcast news media has dropped dramatically. Even with handsome government handouts, many of them are barely alive today. In the market transition that is taking place, out of the slump of the old media a few new ones, such as...

Brian Peckford: On Jordan Peterson

Brian Peckford: On Jordan Peterson

What is this country coming to? A man who is a household name across the Globe. A person who stands for common sense and writes books detailing that. Oh! And he was raised in a democratic country where expressing your views, exercising free speech, was a given. And...

Featured News

Why Cash Is Still King in Switzerland

When I audited an economics class in the Rice University School of Business, the lecturer compared inflation to slow-growing cancer and deflation to a heart attack. The implication was that deflation, which is the declining prices, is fatal and worse than inflation....

The Dumbing-Down of Public Symbology

The Dumbing-Down of Public Symbology

When I was a younger man, back when Lester Pearson was Prime Minister and Pluto was still a planet, I attended the University of Saskatchewan. It had a very simple coat of arms: three wheat sheaves and an open book whose pages displayed the motto “Deo et Patriae”  --...

The recent controversies over tearing down the statues of Canadian heroes because some of their actions have offended our modern sensibilities needs some historical context.  No one, no matter how revered, ever lived without flaws. Louis Riel, lauded for the founding...

King Charles III?

King Charles III?

This royal wedding may be the last one that is watched with so much interest by so many Canadians. Recent polls reveal that most of us are not enthusiastic about the prospect of a King Charles III as our head of state, and the much loved Queen Elizabeth II is now in...

Toxic Feminism

Toxic Feminism

Feminism began as a challenge to male domination and female subordination. It could have become a champion of equality and the dignity of individual human beings. Unfortunately, contemporary feminism is not a liberation from sexism. It is true that feminism rejects...

Our History-Warts and All

Our History-Warts and All

The modern fashion of attempting to rewrite history appears to be gaining ground. Hector Langevin’s name no longer adorns his building in Ottawa, Cornwallis’s statue has been toppled, and the history rewriters are busily taking dead aim at our most famous Canadian of...

Sex, Law, and Religion

Sex, Law, and Religion

Two thousand years ago, two small religious groups fought against the prevailing sexual morality of the Roman Empire. Unlike their neighbours, who were permitted to abuse their wives, have sex with their slaves, keep concubines, patronize brothels, attend orgies, and...