Culture Wars

Salzman: Canada Gone Wrong

Salzman: Canada Gone Wrong

Canadians tend to please themselves by feeling superior to the Americans: Americans are violent; we are peaceful. Americans demand anarchical freedom; Canadians want “peace, order, and good government.” Americans go to extremes, e.g., by electing the awful President...

Featured News

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

Underneath all the media brouhaha and institutional focus on bitcoin, a struggle is brewing in the crypto world: which altcoin will pick up the baton? A fierce competition is underway for the podium, with Ethereum having a clear first-mover advantage. Bitcoin, as...

Hugh and Harvey and Sex

Hugh and Harvey and Sex

Hugh Hefner has finally died and I have competing Latin maxims battling in my head. On the one hand, De mortuis nil nisi bonum – “of the dead say nothing but good” – is a wise and charitable saying. On the other hand, so is De mortuis nil nisi verum– “of the dead...

Biases in the Media

Biases in the Media

A recent Gallup poll in the United States revealed that while 62% of Democratic party voters trusted the media, only 14% of Republicans believed that the media could be relied on to get the facts straight. Is there really bias in the news and public affairs media? Is...

One Set of Laws for All

One Set of Laws for All

A steadily increasing number of successful Canadians are proud of their Aboriginal heritage, but they have integrated into the Canadian economy and society. Political actor Wab Kinew, writer Tomson Highway, and Senator Murray Sinclair come to mind. Many ethnic and...