
Canadian Fires

Canadian Fires

  If you are living in eastern Canada or the northeast of the United States, you are experiencing quite smoky/hazy skies, the result of fires in Canada. The fires have spread from northern Alberta eastward into other provinces, including Quebec, generating...

Featured News

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

The Geothermal Energy Revolution

The Geothermal Energy Revolution

There is a revolution coming in geothermal energy. How big it will be and how fast it can grow remains to be seen, but the revolutionary technology is here now. We already know about the new technology by name — fracking. But that is fracking for oil and gas, the...

Your Life under the Green New Deal

Your Life under the Green New Deal

During the cantankerous September 29 presidential “debate,” candidate Joe Biden proclaimed “I am the Democratic Party.” He is in charge, he insisted, and his views will be Democrat policy. Others aren’t so sure – about that, about what his views actually are, or about...

The Radiation Scandal Revealed

The Radiation Scandal Revealed

A scientific scandal of epic proportions has led to costly, overly restrictive regulations and harmed patients by greatly precluding the use of radiation in curative medicine. Dr. Edward J. Calabrese, Professor of Toxicology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst...

The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal

The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal

More than 1.4 million cases of COVID-19 and 106,000 deaths in the United States alone have accompanied stay-home lockdowns, businesses bankruptcies, over 40 million unemployed workers, plummeting tax revenues and unprecedented debt. Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson...

Prioritizing Climate over Pandemics

Prioritizing Climate over Pandemics

As of May 20, the United States had more than 1.5 million confirmed cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus. US deaths related or attributed to the virus topped 92,000 (though many were really due to old age and related co-morbidities). Because of COVID-19, much of the US...