
Fake Climate Science and Scientists

Fake Climate Science and Scientists

The multi-colored placard in front of a $2-million home in North Center Chicago proudly proclaimed, “In this house we believe: No human is illegal” – and “Science is real” (plus a few other liberal mantras). I knew right away where the owners stood on climate change,...

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Strike Before the Crumble

COVID-19 has left a gaping hole in Quebec’s healthcare system. Lack of nursing personnel, testing shortages, overflooding hospitals and postponed surgeries have turned Quebec’s healthcare into complete chaos. "We must invest in the health-care system, which is in the...

Let a Thousand Capital Markets Bloom

Alarm bells ought to be ringing in Canada. Business, industrial and foreign direct investment have performed pitifully over the past decade, with no reason to believe there will be a turnaround any time soon. As noted by Steven Globerman of Western Washington...

Scientific Case for Man-Made Global Warming Fears is Dead

Many of the proponents of man-made global warming are now claiming that climate change is worse than they predicted. According to an Oct. 18, 2011, Daily Climate article, global warming activists claim that the “evidence builds that scientists underplay climate impacts,” and “if anything, global climate disruption is likely to be significantly worse than has been suggested.”

Appeasing Climate Bureaucrats by Regulating Plant Food: Carbon dioxide regulations useless and dangerous

The annual Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change must be intimidating events for Canadian environment ministers. Year after year they are expected to present Canada’s “green credentials” to a world increasingly critical of our coming violation of the Kyoto Protocol, the most important agreement to come out of 16 years of COP meetings.

Global Warming Runs Out of Gas: Want to hear a man who knows his cause is lost? Listen to Al Gore’s recent temper tantrum

For those who have a wish to hear the grating sound of a man distempered and frustrated that the cause for which he has given at least a decade of his time, the “greatest moral challenge of our time,” is lost, I recommend listening to Al Gore as he was captured during an address at an Aspen global warming conference two weeks ago. It is a revelation.