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Profile Series: Arthur Laffer

“Government spending is taxation. When you look at this, I’ve never  heard of a poor person spending himself into prosperity; let alone I’ve never heard of a poor person taxing himself into prosperity.” Arthur Betz “Art” Laff er is one of the world’s most renowned...

Climate Change Funding Eliminated?

The Republican bill would specifically bar the Obama administration from funding programmes regulating greenhouse gas emissions, or connected to climate science and international negotiations for a deal to end global warming.

Cap and Tirade

One may accuse the Harper government of many things, but the notion that rejecting cap and trade in favour of regulation of carbon emissions makes them “Communists” — as suggested in a piece by Dan Gardner in the Post on Monday — seems a little over the top.

Global Warming Hype – Who Wins

Recently, the Frontier Centre was the target of a slur that asserted our commentators are in the pockets of big money oil interests.  Somehow I doubt that my blogging about the need to stimulate more open and vigorous competition in the economy qualifies me to gain access to monetary support from that source.

On the other hand, there are some established big money links in the global warming camp.  Why I wonder are ties with those big money interests, whether they are big corporate, big government, or big environment fund raising machines, are not mentioned when reporting on the lasted scare tactic?

Reliable Forecast Under the Weather

Since 1998, temperatures have been relatively flat. We’ve got more polar bears than ever, and Manhattan is buried under snow. For a planet-roasting crisis that threatened the human race with extinction, there doesn’t seem to be much actual warming.

Media Release – Getting Society off the Climate Change Bandwagon: It is only through “expanding the tent” of those who take a realistic perspective of climate change that we have a chance to bring the climate wars to a sensible conclusion.

Tom Harris reviews the current state of research in the field of climate science. He finds that there is no consensus in the area, and that many qualified experts dispute predictions of an impending climate crisis.