Crown Corporations

Government Should Stay off the Bus

Government Should Stay off the Bus

Western Canadian bus riders got an early Halloween scare. As from October 31, 2018, Greyhound passengers won’t travel west of Ontario. For the company, it means 415 fewer employees and two million fewer passenger rides each year. For bus riders in remote areas, a...

Featured News

Time For a New Approach to Northern Busing

Ontario Northlands has provided inter-city bus service in Northern Ontario at a staggering loss. The Ontario government has now decided to divest of the struggling service. Bur rather than simply selling it off, the government should look to a new model that can introduce competition to Northern inter-city busing.

Media Release – Traffic Congestion Hurts Productivity: A National Transit Strategy Could Make Matters Worse

Gridlock costs Canadian cities billions of dollars in productivity. It also costs commuters both time and money. Many transit advocates believe that a national transit strategy will help increase mobility, and reduce gridlock. But Cox argues that rather than increasing mobility, a national transit strategy could make things worse.