Culture Wars

Salzman: Canada Gone Wrong

Salzman: Canada Gone Wrong

Canadians tend to please themselves by feeling superior to the Americans: Americans are violent; we are peaceful. Americans demand anarchical freedom; Canadians want “peace, order, and good government.” Americans go to extremes, e.g., by electing the awful President...

Featured News

Throwing Good Money After Bad?

One of the eternal questions of public policy is: should governments get into bed with private businesses? Whether it is called a Public-Private Partnership, buying a controlling interest for taxpayers, investing in the technologies of tomorrow or just, avoiding a...

If Sask. was a typical family …

Joe Couture, The StarPhoenix, January 23, 2014 A new report from the Frontier Centre for Public Policy tries to make government budget numbers easier to understand by scaling them down to the size of an average household’s finances. “People have a very tough time...

Aruna Papp, MA, ADR, MEd.

Aruna Papp, MA, ADR, MEd.

Frontier Centre: I would like you to tell us a little bit about what is ‘Honour-based violence’? Aruna Papp: Honour based violence is a crime committed in the name of protecting or defending family honour. It is usually committed by family members who believe that...