
The Tesla Disruption: Cab Drivers Beware!

The Tesla Disruption: Cab Drivers Beware!

The free market economy is beautiful in its simplicity: offer a service people want at a price people will pay for, and you will get your reward. For decades, cab drivers offered what buses could not—a ride on request from any location to anywhere else in a reasonable...

China, Nato and the Five Eyes

China, Nato and the Five Eyes

“Canada needs to be in a position to defend itself and defend its values,” U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien told delegates at the Halifax International Security Summit. He urged America’s northern neighbour to keep its NATO commitments and increase...

Featured News

BCE Acquisition of Astral Media Round 2 Part 2

Last week participants filed their objections to the second BCE application to acquire Astral Media.  There were 834 interventions in total, many of which are one-page letters of support or opposition. There are three different categories of organizations that filed...

The Future of E-Government in Saskatchewan

The strength of the Saskatchewan economy is exhilarating. Saskatchewan should take advantage of its relatively worriless situation and implement innovative measures to maintain long-term prosperity. One such measure is a world-class e-government. Saskatchewan placed tenth within Canada for the quality of e-government, outperforming only Newfoundland and Labrador, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Options for the CBC: Alternative Roles for the National Broadcaster

Based on a historical analysis of the original role for a national public broadcaster, Roland Renner assesses how improving technology has affected the CBC and takes a look at five potential alternatives for bringing the CBC in to the modern world. Renner looks at five potential proposals, ranging from abandoning the idea of a public broadcaster entirely, to making only minor changes to the current system, before making a final recommendation.

The Future of E-Government in Saskatchewan

Introduction Progressive public policies and long-term vision have brought Saskatchewan back to the forefront of economic development. News headlines depict the province as the land of opportunity. Saskatchewan is leading the country in economic and population growth,...