
Ottawa Must Speak for All Sectors in All Regions

Ottawa Must Speak for All Sectors in All Regions

If only Ottawa would put its full force and support behind the energy sector as it does other critical sectors in the economy.  In early October, the prime minister announced that he would not back down from the latest American round of attacks on our softwood lumber...

How ESG Inflates Egos, Deflates Growth

How ESG Inflates Egos, Deflates Growth

The stakeholder-shareholder debate in finance has narrowed down to a false dichotomy between good capitalism and bad capitalism. The former means funding green energy to fight global warming, while the latter means investing in fossil fuels, tobacco, or other “sin...

Featured News

The Paul Martin Guide to Cutting Deficits

Last week, the U.S. government hit its debt ceiling of $14.3-trillion -the legal limit on the amount of money the government can borrow. While the Treasury Department is using a number of accounting tricks to give lawmakers until early August to resolve the situation, both Republicans and Democrats agree that America’s fiscal situation is fundamentally unsustainable.

Cutting the Government Wage Bill

I’ve got a commentary in today’s National Post, in which I discuss yesterday’s budget, the need for governments in Canada to cut costs, and the growth of the government wage bill in recent years.