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Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

Pushing Woke Ideology in Schools

If you’ve been around for a while, you probably remember the phrase “politically correct.” Being called politically correct was not a compliment. Rather, it meant that you had an unhealthy obsession with not offending anyone, even if you had to say some rather silly...

Why University?

Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Official Child Abuse

Official Child Abuse

In this article on official abuse of children, I reference American (US) policies and practices. Many Canadians think that, whatever is happening in the US, things in Canada are not quite so bad. But they are wrong; in many cases Canada has gone farther wrong....