
Let Grocers Sell Booze

Ontario's antiquated alcohol-distribution system has come under heavy scrutiny over the last few months. While alcohol policy change in Ontario has been glacial, the recent proposal to allow grocery stores to sell alcohol could be a step in the right direction. The...

Featured News

BC Lobby to Legalize Pot

Some food for thought here. “I have always had a problem with the idea that the state should criminalize an act which is essentially no more complex than putting a couple of seeds in your back yard, waiting a while and then, when something grows, you put it in your...

The Online Snooping Act – They got it wrong

Sometimes it is better to retreat! This is certainly the case for the federal Conservatives with the Online Surveillance Act as it is often called.  Whether it is called the Lawful Access Act or the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act, it is way over the...

Pay as You Drive Insurance

Why I do not like the overall approach this auto insurance company has employed, it is a start in the migration toward charging for insurance based on people actual risk in driving instead of unrelated factors such as income or credit history. In my situation, I drive...