
57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar

Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...

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Canadian Nanny State Squeezes Out Caffeine

A few months ago I wrote a piece for the Huffington Post on the political overreaction to a few deaths in the United States that were connected to energy drink consumption. Despite the fact that only 5 people in the United States have died after consuming energy drinks — due to pre-existing conditions — many politicians have decided that cracking down on caffeine is an appropriate regulatory response.

Manitoba Government Liquor Monopoly Decides That Absurdly High Beer Prices Aren’t High Enough

The Manitoba government has decided to increase the price of a 24 pack of beer by $3.90. For those who consume a case per month, that is the equivalent of a $46.80 tax increase per year. While some level of “sin tax” on alcoholic beverages may be warranted (particularly with liquors 70 proof and above), Manitobans already pay an immense premium for beer.

America’s Red State Growth Corridors: Low-tax, energy-rich regions in the heartland charge ahead as economies on both coasts sing the blues.

Cheap U.S. natural gas has some envisioning the Mississippi River between New Orleans and Baton Rouge as an “American Ruhr.” Much of this growth, notes Eric Smith, associate director of the Tulane Energy Institute, will be financed by German and other European firms that are reeling from electricity costs now three times higher than in places like Louisiana.

The United Nations should get out of the climate science business

The underlying assumption at all such U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) events is that a man-made climate crisis is looming and nothing less than a revolution in the way we generate energy is urgently needed to “save the planet.” No matter what direction science and technology is actually headed, no UN delegate dare oppose this, the UNFCCC creed.

Ontario Politicians Finally Having a Mature Discussion About Alcohol

Ontario has long had a puritanical streak that vexes observers. This is most evident in the way that the provincial government treats alcohol. The province still has a government run liquor monopoly — the Liquor Control Board of Ontario — which was set up to transition the province out of prohibition, and grants the Molson-Labatt owned Beer Store a virtual monopoly over beer. The drinking age remains 19, high by international standards, and the 2am last call remains in place (believe it or not, it was 1am until Mike Harris’ government). While the latter may seem normal by North Ameican standards, it seems odd that a major world city such as Toronto has to tell it’s adult residents and tourists to kindly go to bed at 2am. If the above hasn’t convinced you that Ontario politicians have a puritanical attitude towards liquor, consider this: happy hour is illegal in Ontario.