Role of Government

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Ontario and Manitoba Elections Fail to Offer Long Term Solutions for Cities: Municipalities need their own sources of funding

Big cities in Ontario and Manitoba require long term solutions to their massive infrastructure deficits, but the solution isn’t simply to throw money at the problem. Instead, cities need to granted the ability to generate revenue however they choose, rather than relying on the inefficient property tax, and transfers from upper levels of government. This would ensure that cities have the tools to provide infrastructure without being subject to the political whims of provincial and federal governments.

Manitoba Parties are Ignoring the Real Issues

The Manitoba election thus far has been dominated by accusations from the NDP that the Pcs will slash government services, and the attempt of the PCs to distance themselves from that reputation. This dynamic has prevented either party from promoting the kind of long term vision that will be required to steer the province through tough global economic times.

Well Worth the Money

Two weeks ago the House of Representatives announced that it would end its nearly 200-year-old page program. What with new technology and all, there just isn’t much need any longer to employ teenagers to take phone messages and carry documents from one member of Congress to another. The program costs $5 million a year, which isn’t much in a $3.8 trillion federal budget, but taxpayers should appreciate any elimination of an unnecessary program.