
Day 16 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 16 – Frontier’s Advent Calendar

Day 16 - Advent is the season of preparing for Christmas. Here at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy we want to tell you about some of the things we would like to see under our tree.   On Day 16 we wish for a single income tax rate which would vastly simplify...

Featured News

Sweden’s Secret Recipe: Advice from a successful – and tax-cutting – finance minister

When Europe’s finance ministers meet for a group photo, it’s easy to spot the rebel — Anders Borg has a ponytail and earring. What actually marks him out, though, is how he responded to the crash. While most countries in Europe borrowed massively, Borg did not. Since becoming Sweden’s finance minister, his mission has been to pare back government. His ‘stimulus’ was a permanent tax cut. To critics, this was fiscal lunacy — the so-called ‘punk tax cutting’ agenda. Borg, on the other hand, thought lunacy meant repeating the economics of the 1970s and expecting a different result.

Europe’s Brain-Dead Right: Nobody should be surprised if voters also give Angela Merkel and David Cameron the boot at the next ballot.

Readers presumably understand that Europe’s economic crisis is also the crisis of social democracy—of the idea that markets must be made to co-exist with high levels of taxation, regulation, unionization, welfare spending and subsidized health care and education. Eutopia may be nice in theory; it may even work for a while. But eventually social-democratic policies will lead to economic stagnation, policy paralysis and national bankruptcy on the continental scale we are witnessing today.

Could Everyone Receive A Tax Credit?

My first radio piece for the Frontier Centre focuses on the announcement by the Wall government that the Saskatchewan Film Tax Credit will be removed: The uproar over the Wall government’s move to end Saskatchewan’s film tax credit cries out for a wider debate over...

Britain Raises Taxes on the 1%, the 1% Pay Less

With the Ontario NDP demanding a tax increase on upper income earners as a condition to prop up the McGuinty government, and the Alberta Liberals and NDP running on creating new tax brackets for the wealthy, it's worth taking a look at the news out of Britain. Despite...