Think Tanks

Think Tanks Matter

Think Tanks Matter

On January 30th Frontier Centre for Public Policy joined together with more than 145 think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, and civil society organizations around the world to hosted “Why Think Tanks Matter: The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice.” Events took place in 85...

Why Think Tanks Matter?

Why Think Tanks Matter?

On January 30th Frontier Centre for Public Policy joined together with more than 145 think tanks, IGOs, NGOs, and civil society organizations around the world hosted “Why Think Tanks Matter: The Future of Think Tanks and Policy Advice.” Events took place in 85...

Happy Holidays 2013

The Board and Staff of the Frontier Centre would like to wish you peace, health and happiness throughout the coming year. We look forward to sharing our vision for a stronger and more prosperous Canadian society with you in 2014 and for many years to come.

Featured News

Transformers: More than Meets the Eye

The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...

Think-Tanks Wielding More Clout in Politics: Organizations such as the right-leaning Manning Centre, nascent Broadbent Institute increasingly part of the ‘political infrastructure’

When Canadians think of political parties, they focus on the teams of politicians fronting them. But behind the scenes, Canadian political parties are increasingly getting support from a “political infrastructure” that plays a crucial role in selling their ideology to the public.

The Global “Go-To Think Tanks”

In a world saturated with information, connected by the web and challenged by complex issues that often hit like a meteor from outer space, there is a growing need to know where to turn for high quality information and analysis on critical policy issues. Increasingly policy makers and the public are turning to the close to 5,500 public policy research organizations around the world for assistance. This report, from the January 2009 edition of Foreign Policy Magazine identifies and ranks the leading think tanks in every region of the world.