
The War Against Alberta’s Oil

From the Capital Research Centre comes “American Greens Vs. Canadian Oil Producers,” another insightful piece skilfully documenting how American environmentalists are levelling an all out war against Alberta’s Oil Sands.   The campaign is thick on defamation, innuendo, half-truth and outright lies.

The network includes household names such as Earthworks, Environmental Defence, Friends of Earth, Greenpeace, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC), Rainforest Action, and the Sierra Club.

These are the front actors pretending to be a grassroots movements, coming to tell Canadians what to do and how to handle our resources.  The faux-grassroots army is somewhat secretly bankrolled by a series of American billionaire foundations among which are Sea Change Foundation, Oak Foundation, The New York Community Trust, and Tides Foundation. It’s hard to know who is whose pawn in this complex cabal.

Sea Change is not able to accept unsolicited proposals

Sea Change is not able to accept unsolicited proposals

They systematically funnel millions into a concerted Anti Alberta Oil campaign. Considering that the leading economies of our country are the oil-leading economies of Alberta and Saskatchewan, it is a foreign war against the engines of Canada’s economy.

Flight and Exile from Statism

We know that supply management does little for the poor consumer. But this story puts the lie to the idea that supply management does wonders for producers in the dairy industry. Those who value autonomy and responsibility in the industry seem to know it. Canadian dairy, such as it is today, has no future.

Featured News

*How we can beat the U.S.

In a roundtable discussion with Financial Post Editor-in-Chief Terence Corcoran, four leading economic thinkers take up Charles Baillie’s challenge. All agree it is possible to overtake the United States in growth and standard of living. These are edited excerpts of their comments and ideas.

*O Canada! A National Swan Song?

With reluctance and resignation, Canadians are concluding that what they once celebrated as the world’s longest undefended border is quickly vanishing. Economically, culturally, socially, demographically, even politically, Canada, they say, is becoming indistinguishable from the United States.

A Conversation with David Henderson

In August the National Post published a provocative article in which you argue that Canada’s rate of economic growth could out pace the impressive American rate and that Canada’s standard of living could surpass that of our American cousins within twenty years should we adopt certain changes in public policy.

Why Free Trade Works

Dr. Lawrence Reed is an economist and president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Michigan’s most influential think tank. Michigan Governor John Engler and many of his administration’s officials have cited the work of the Mackinac Center as the source of the ideas that revived their state’s economy.