
Featured News

Transformers: More than Meets the Eye

The path to net zero, based on the much disputed belief that carbon dioxide is a pollution, is more steep and impractical than most people realize. Replacing fossil fuels with clean electricity will require much more power generation and a greatly upgraded grid to...

Derail interswitching policies

Forcing rail carriers to ship a competitor’s cars harms profitability and distorts the investment market The winter before last, Canadians endured their coldest-ever winter. On the rail lines, deliveries were slowed significantly, creating a backlog of grain and...

Cap-and-Trade: A Wynne-Lose Situation

The governments of Ontario and Quebec recently announced their intention to enter into a cap and trade arrangement.  The goal here is to put a price on carbon dioxide.  The economic argument is pretty simple.  Markets are an efficient manner in which to...

The Sooner CETA is Ratified, the Better

Last week the Harper Government announced that the highly anticipated Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union had been finalized. The ratification process could take up to two years due to the complexities involved in...

It’s Time for Internal Canadian Free Trade

Since taking office in 2006, the Harper government has negotiated over 40 separate international trade agreements and has championed the idea of free trade around the world as a means of economic and political liberalization and progress.  While Canada’s approach...

Alberta’s Growing Foreign Policy Presence

When thinking of foreign policy, one thinks of the processes and actors involved with federal governments making decisions about how to best pursue national interests and interact in an increasingly complex world. But many aspects of foreign policy formulation have...