
The Sooner CETA is Ratified, the Better

Last week the Harper Government announced that the highly anticipated Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union had been finalized. The ratification process could take up to two years due to the complexities involved in...

It’s Time for Internal Canadian Free Trade

Since taking office in 2006, the Harper government has negotiated over 40 separate international trade agreements and has championed the idea of free trade around the world as a means of economic and political liberalization and progress.  While Canada’s approach...

Featured News

This just in: fair trade coffee impoverishes farmers

For those unaware, this past Saturday was World Fair Trade Day. Now, it needs to be mentioned that no one criticizes the intentions of those who are involved in promoting 'fair trade' coffee. Helping some of the poorest farmers in the world is admirable. However,...

Prohibition-era liquor law takes hit

Terry David Mulligan, known by those over 30 as the famous VJ from Much Music, has become a hero for the freedom to trade in wine. Now a wine journalist, Mulligan has taken to challenging Canada's archaic wine laws. See the story here. In Canada today, it is illegal...

The War Against Alberta’s Oil

From the Capital Research Centre comes “American Greens Vs. Canadian Oil Producers,” another insightful piece skilfully documenting how American environmentalists are levelling an all out war against Alberta’s Oil Sands.   The campaign is thick on defamation, innuendo, half-truth and outright lies.

The network includes household names such as Earthworks, Environmental Defence, Friends of Earth, Greenpeace, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC), Rainforest Action, and the Sierra Club.

These are the front actors pretending to be a grassroots movements, coming to tell Canadians what to do and how to handle our resources.  The faux-grassroots army is somewhat secretly bankrolled by a series of American billionaire foundations among which are Sea Change Foundation, Oak Foundation, The New York Community Trust, and Tides Foundation. It’s hard to know who is whose pawn in this complex cabal.

Sea Change is not able to accept unsolicited proposals

Sea Change is not able to accept unsolicited proposals

They systematically funnel millions into a concerted Anti Alberta Oil campaign. Considering that the leading economies of our country are the oil-leading economies of Alberta and Saskatchewan, it is a foreign war against the engines of Canada’s economy.

Flight and Exile from Statism

We know that supply management does little for the poor consumer. But this story puts the lie to the idea that supply management does wonders for producers in the dairy industry. Those who value autonomy and responsibility in the industry seem to know it. Canadian dairy, such as it is today, has no future.